Site Topography

This functions draws topography charts based upon the topography information recorded for panels. These charts may be printed and taken to the site to verify the correctness of the recorded data.

Note that topography data is optional. If no topography data has been recorded, the survey will not be listed on the first page displayed. An example is shown below.


Click on any site name to view the topography data and charts. The measured data will be shown in a table of numbers and as one or more charts. Any panels that have no topography data recorded will not be displayed. In some cases, only one panel per cluster will have topography data recorded - other panels of the same cluster are assumed to be easily located nearby. In other cases, all panels will have topography data recorded -- in these cases the A panel of the cluster is frequently used as a secondary datum point for the additional panels of the cluster.


By default, the function charts all logically connected panels in a single chart and creates multiple charts as required for panels that are not logically connected. Clicking the Customize button displays another page with an additional table allowing the user to override the default functions.

As shown below, there are several alternatives:

After clicking any desired check boxes, click the Customize button again to redisplay the page.


The resulting chart is shown below. Customizations made by an ID authorized to update the survey are saved and used by all subsequent viewers. Customizations may be made by other IDs may be viewed or printed for but are not saved. Note the table of check boxes used for customization will not print even though is is displayed on your computer monitor.


http:RenumberPanelsOrElements Next stop is RenumberPanelsOrElements.

SiteTopography (last edited 2008-02-11 20:49:45 by localhost)