Ubuntu On Packrat


After destroying Ubuntu on meerkat with 20.4 upgrade (no driver for nVidia gForce 6150e nForcce 430), decided to install Ubuntu on packrat with dual boot to Windows 10.

First try was to install Ubuntu on 120GB Kingston SSD. Install seemed to work, but first restart gave bios? message saying unpack failed. Subsequent boots went straight to Windows 10.

Disconnected Kingston SSD: both H: and F: drives disappeared. Tried Ubunto install again on C: drive in 302.8 GB partition, leaving 1.7 TB for Windows 10. Could not boot to Ubuntu, pc boots to windows.

Reinstalled, same result. Disabled hybernate in windows, rebooted pressing F11 key to get boot menu, choose ubuntu (have 2 choices that are the same).

Installed (with software manager):


More commands to get pip installed correctly

Got invalid command 'bdist-wheel' on python3 quickinstall.py many times, but could load sample data and run.

Have trouble with keyboard, sometimes keyboard is not recognized after boot. Must wiggle connection and reboot, pressing F11 to get ubuntu boot menu. Also no option to boot into windows after pressing F11.

RogerHaase/UbuntuOnPackrat (last edited 2020-12-24 20:41:17 by RogerHaase)