Image Categories

An Image Category organizes images into a type or subject matter category. The CategorizeImages function assigns each survey image into one of the following categories.

Rock Art

Any images created on rocks by pecking, painting, scratching, or abrading (Currently metates and cupules are included as rock art). See RockArtClasses.

Cluster Overview
Images that show multiple panels of a cluster. These are intended to be annotated with cluster numbers and panel letters.
Images of datum points that are not rock art panels.
Historic Artifacts
Tin cans, ironwork, china, glassware, historic structures.
Any jewelry or fragments, including shellwork, pottery bits, etc.
Lithics & Tools
Any kind of flaked stone, including points, scrapers, cores.
Fragments of any kind of pottery.
Site Overview
Panoramic views from the site and views of the site.
Remains of dwellings, walls, check dams, etc.
Plants, animals, minerals.
Miscellaneous images which do not fit into any of the above categories.

Proposed Changes

Enter proposed changes below:

Recording Forms
Scanned recording forms. Use the annotation feature to put panel number near the panel sketch. This will be an easy way to share the form among team members, track panel renumbering (drawing will show original, annotation current), and compare the cropped elements against the field sketch.

ImageCategories (last edited 2010-07-19 16:17:39 by RogerHaase)